Best practice forum (Archived)

Capturing Informal / Personal Development

? ?
Capturing Informal / Personal Development
by ? ? - Thursday, 14 February 2013, 2:54 AM


Can anyone let me know how (or if) they capture informal training or personal development in Totara. 

I’m thinking about a scenario such as a learner attends an online webinar that is of benefit to them in their role or for their development, or they attend a course outwith work etc.

This would not be content that we have in our catalogue, but something they found and signed up for under their own initiative.  Can the Learner log this activity in their profile in Totara?

This would be really useful when it comes time to review performance, or measure success against KPIs.




? ?
Re: Capturing Informal / Personal Development
by ? ? - Thursday, 14 February 2013, 7:15 AM

Hi Scott,

The forthcoming addition to Learning Plans of an Evidence tab may help with that.

You may also be interested in the work the Totara team have done around Open badges and the wider concepts of how that may start influencing accreditation and the display of a learners' achievements.

See for an overview of what is coming

Other suggestions in the current set-up.The learning plan has an Objectives tab that could be used to include objectives/achievements in a manual way. They would need manual completion according to the objective scale you assign and according to workflow permissions  -  a manager or the learner marks them complete for example.

This would be visible in the learner's record of learning - My Learning > Record of Learning > Objectives

They can also be reported on using the report source Record of Learning- Objective Scale.

I am sure other users will come back with some other suggestions...


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Thursday, 14 February 2013, 7:43 AM
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Austen Sinclair
Re: Capturing Informal / Personal Development
by Austen Sinclair - Monday, 18 February 2013, 2:07 PM
Group PartnersGroup TXP Site AdministratorGroup V18 Program Complete

Hi Scott

We've been struggling with exactly this  - pushed along by HR folk overly focused on the 70:20:10 model of staff development.

We use Comments in staff learning plans (image attached) that allow the recording of non-training activities.  We added two customisations to make this work for us:

  • a status dropdown box (values of: not started, in-progess, Completed) to avoid complex streams of subequent Comments to simply update the progress,
  • an 'Add Comment' button so that non-training activities described in a preformatted Comments can be displayed along with training development solutions in framwork pages.

This works for development planning as our end result is a document that supports & records the years worth of development for the staff member. However, it lacks reporting and for us has openned the door where the business is looking for a Facebook style dialogue and assuems that its only a small step from this...

Happy to share more if it's of interest.


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Tuesday, 19 February 2013, 6:10 AM
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