We have an issue with the total time registration in the users scorm session. During tests with blockbuster client.
Some users with passed status don't have total time sco register. When others with incomplete status have total time sco register.
I attach image.
Please help!. Why are appearing those incosistencies.
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Incsistencies with Total Time Sco Registration
Hello Pablo,
Thank you for your request.
To help you with this issue we need to reproduce it first. Can you give us some additional information:
- Version of Totara LMS
- Report with wrong results used and it's filters and columns added to default set. Screenshots of General, Filters, and Columns tabs should be enough.
- SCORM acitivity configuration screenshot
- If it possible failing SCORM package will be a help. No full content needed (fake content is ok). Actually, we need to see how framework used as SCORM driver interacts with server side engine.
1. Version of Totara 2.2.15
2. Scorm Report (at the Reports Section) Columns are:
Course Name
Scorm Title
User Fullname
Sco start time
Last session of th e user
Sco Attempts number
Sco Total time (where sometimes register other not)
Sco Status
Sco Note
3. I had configurated on both options, on the same screen or a separate one, I have experimented on both the same issue.
4. Ok I will try to make somo other tests failing it.
What I have seen during weekend, is that if I close the scorm before completing it, I get sco total time, but if I complete and passed all the scorm from the begining to the end with out closing then I did'nt get the sco total time, the other sco variables are ok (note, status) every thing.
Note I attach you a report example.
If you need anything else please let me know.
Hello Pablo,
Thanks for details.
Could you tell us what OS/browser do you use? It looks similar to known tracking issue which occurs on certain browsers (IE8, IE9).
So, most probable causes rigth now are browser or SCROM package.