Best practice forum (Archived)
הדיון בפורום זה הוסר
Hi Jason,
This is very likely to be connected to course completion, one or all of the courses is not been accepted as complete. Id check each one - can you send me screenshots of the completion settings?
Hi Jason,
I see it says "Allow 1 year(s) to complete this set". Change that to 1 day, Im sure thats the problem.
Hi Jason,
The mechanism at the root of these problems is cron - that is Prgram cron and Course cron are run at different times (mainly for faster processing); you are correct.
The settings can be adjusted here:
line #61 $hourlycron = 60 * 60;
line #86 $dailycron = 60 * 60 * 24;
so 60*60 is an hour in seconds, and *24 is a day
1) Unfortunately its not possible to have programs sel-enrollable at present.
2) The only way to do this would be to set up dynamic audiences
3) This is possible - dont set a minimum time required or a due date.
4) This should be fine if you have your completion critera set within the courses & the program.
Hope this is useful Jason - do get back if there is anything else.