Best practice forum (Archived)
This forum discussion has been removed
Hi Amir,
Just to give you some background this feature was originally developed a long time ago for one specific client, and ended up in Totara. Unfortunately it hasn't really been maintained in Totara - the functionality is very specific to one use case and I'm not sure it can be generalised to work in a more general, easy to support way. It seems that probably it has been broken since the port to 2.2 (due to changes to the feedback module) and you are just the first person to notice!
Since it will require quite a bit of work to fix and maintain, and it isn't really a good candidate for a core feature we are going to remove it from 2.4. Of course you are still welcome to do as you wish with the code if it is useful for you.
To answer some of your questions, the way it was supposed to work is as follows:
- Create official tags
- Create feedback activities with identical questions across multiple courses
- Tag a set of identical feedback activities with the same tag.
- Create an activitiy group based on the tag. Choose one feedback activity as the "reference/base" activity
- Once a group is created, within report builder some new sources should appear (2 or 3 for each group)
- Report sources should aggregate data from across the feedback activities within the group
Hi Simon and Amir
We're the customer/user case of this functionality and are *very* attached to it.
We are planning on upgrading our site from 1.1 to 2.4 starting shortly and deploying around October/November. Our expectation is that this type of functionality will be available to us in 2.4. We currently carry several hundreds of customisations not in core and I would imagine that we'll apply the logic of past upgrades - if its too expensive (or carries too much risk) we'll seek alternative approaches to achieve the same functionality from the user perspective.
Originally, we went down this route as we had the expectations of visual reporting, grouping report sources and generating a wider interest in a consistent site-wide Level 1 Evaluation process. None of which has happened :(
Happy to consider a better architectural approach to this in 2.4 - if that helps?
I can confirm that its quite broken in Totara 2.4 - a most unwelcome discovery post-upgrade from 1.1.
Attached is a sample of the Feedback report a trainer saw of only their own Level 1 evaluation across multiple courses where there were also many other trainers delivering sessions.
Hi Austen,