Best practice forum (Archived)

Looking for subscriber that is using the auto re-certification feature

Looking for subscriber that is using the auto re-certification feature
MillerJason 发表于 2015年01月7日 Wednesday 09:03
小组 Partners

Good morning, 

I am hoping the subscriber community can help.  I am looking for a current Totara subscriber that is using the auto re-certification feature and would be willing to speak with my client about their experience using this feature.  I appreciate any and all assistance the community can offer!   

Re: Looking for subscriber that is using the auto re-certification feature
ChamburyRichard 发表于 2015年01月7日 Wednesday 23:18
小组 Partners

Hi Jason

We have clients using certifications and recertifications at present so if you to let me know the details I can intro your client to one of them,
