Best practice forum (Archived)

disable Program Welcome email

disable Program Welcome email
?? 发表于 2013年07月2日 Tuesday 06:57

The Program messages system is great, but can it be switched off?

We have thousands of users about to be assigned to 20 programs. They know this will happen; they do not need 20 emails each so we would like to disable the welcome messages. We thought that blanking the message would do it, but they just get a blank email. We also can not temporarily disable emailing site-wide because people might come and go anytime through audience assignments.


Re: disable Program Welcome email
AngusGeorge 发表于 2013年07月2日 Tuesday 21:03
小组 Totara

Hi Alan,

Switching off the Program messaging isnt possible at present, but Im given to understand the fix is reasonably straightforward and should be ready for the next release.



Re: disable Program Welcome email
?? 发表于 2013年07月3日 Wednesday 07:29

Thanks, we're hacking the code as a workaround but will look out for updates.

Re: disable Program Welcome email
AngusGeorge 发表于 2013年07月3日 Wednesday 14:19
小组 Totara

Hi Alan,

Ive linked this thread to the enhancement request so you'll be notified in due course.



Re: disable Program Welcome email
?? 发表于 2013年10月4日 Friday 02:39

Hi George

Did this get included yet? I can't find any related settings in latest Totara.



Re: disable Program Welcome email
?? 发表于 2013年10月4日 Friday 04:45

Users should have the ability to Delete & Add the ENROLMENT MESSAGE and the EXCEPTION REPORT MESSAGE within a Program. These emails are sent instantly so there is very little flexibility in the order with which a Program is setup.  e.g. if Program Assignments are defined before Messages (as the order of these tabs implies, from left-to-right), then users will be sent a potentially undesired "Welcome" email! Plus, the email is only in PLAIN TEXT (confirmed by Yuliya here:, which is also quite restricting.

Our requirements were to enrol an Audience of users on a Program with a few required courses, and accompany this with a fancy "Welcome to the program..." email that includes our corporate font and colours, and a hyperlink direct to the learning dashboard page. The closest we can get, instead, is sending the [duplicated!] "You have been enrolled..." PLAIN TEXT email from Totara, then email our fancy email supplement, which is just not desirable.

Re: disable Program Welcome email
AngusGeorge 发表于 2013年10月7日 Monday 19:47
小组 Totara

Hi folks,

There will be improved functionality around progra messaging in 2.5 (due end of the month).

