Best practice forum (Archived)

Program's automatic ENROLMENT MESSAGE should be user-controlled

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Program's automatic ENROLMENT MESSAGE should be user-controlled
بواسطة Thursday, 3 October 2013, 12:40 PM - ? ?

((Relating to ... ))

Please consider modification to Program functionality:

Users should have the ability to Delete & Add the ENROLMENT MESSAGE and the EXCEPTION REPORT MESSAGE within a Program. These emails are sent instantly so there is very little flexibility in the order with which a Program is setup.  e.g. if Program Assignments are defined before Messages (as the order of these tabs implies, from left-to-right), then users will be sent a potentially undesired "Welcome" email! Plus, the email is only in PLAIN TEXT (confirmed by Yuliya here:, which is also quite restricting.

Our requirements were to enrol an Audience of users on a Program with a few required courses, and accompany this with a fancy "Welcome to the program..." email that includes our corporate font and colours, and a hyperlink direct to the learning dashboard page. The closest we can get, instead, is sending the [duplicated!] "You have been enrolled..." PLAIN TEXT email from Totara, then email our fancy email supplement, which is just not desirable.

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Re: Program's automatic ENROLMENT MESSAGE should be user-controlled
بواسطة Friday, 4 October 2013, 4:45 AM - ? ?

Sorry... I've thrown my comments in against instead.

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