Best practice forum (Archived)

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Sunday, 13 de October de 2013, 14:27
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Yuliya Bozhko
Re: Badge continues to show in "My latest badges" after badge is deleted
de Yuliya Bozhko - Monday, 14 de October de 2013, 16:08

Hi Maurice,

Currently, it is not possible to fully delete a badge. It was done this way because Open Badges infrastructure did not initially support revoking badges, and once a badge was issued, it could not be taken back. What really happens is that badges are being archived rather than deleted. This assures that users who already earned it (and might have pushed it to their Mozilla backpack) will still keep the badge and will be able to share it with others.

We will be doing some more improvements in the future related to fully deleting badges. You can follow the progress on Moodle Tracker here


Esta publicación en el foro ha sido eliminada.
Monday, 14 de October de 2013, 21:20
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Yuliya Bozhko
Re: Badge continues to show in "My latest badges" after badge is deleted
de Yuliya Bozhko - Tuesday, 15 de October de 2013, 13:19

Hi Maurice,

Just wanted to clarify some things:

1. When you archive badges, they are removed from management pages and are not being awarded to users any more.

2. If an archived badge was earned by a user earlier, it will still be available on users My Badges page.

3. Marking badge private/public affects only user Profile page, not My Badges page.

4. "My Latest Badges" shows to a user the badges that they earned recently and it shows ALL of the badges regardless of their privacy setting as only a badge owner can see them.

5. Online backpack badges and local badges are two separate things. When you remove a badge from Mozilla backpack, it doesn't mean that the local badge (page section 'My badges from SITENAME website') with the same name will be removed as well. Removing badge from Mozilla backpack just means that it won't be in the list of external badges (page section 'My badges from other web sites').

I would not recommend removing badges from database directly as there are files and records associated with badges that might be difficult to clean up manually.
