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Courses assigned by a program not showing in my learning

? ?
Courses assigned by a program not showing in my learning
door ? ? - Tuesday, 29 October 2013, 19:35 PM

Getting started with Totara so this may be a dumb question.

I have setup a program with courses in it and assigned it to a group of users. These courses do not appear on the homepage Course Progress block or in My Learning. Is there something that I need to do?


Re: Courses assigned by a program not showing in my learning
door George Angus - Tuesday, 29 October 2013, 20:47 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Eleanor,

Its a perfectly reasonable question!

The Program Cron updates overnight, in order to deal with dynamic audiences etc. The Learners will see the program under Required Learning.

Hope this is useful,

anything else just ask!



? ?
Re: Courses assigned by a program not showing in my learning
door ? ? - Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 13:36 PM

Thank you George, we do have the cron running every hour and I did wait for it to run before asking the question. Ok, I can see the extra tab required learning. I still have the same question why would these courses not show up on the current learning on the home page and my learning. My users will not find it hidden under a new tab separate to all their other course lists.


Re: Courses assigned by a program not showing in my learning
door George Angus - Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 14:32 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Eleanor,

Assigning a user to a program doesn't create a course completion record until the user first views the course, then they are enrolled and the course appears under the learner's current learning. 



? ?
Re: Courses assigned by a program not showing in my learning
door ? ? - Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 16:32 PM

That is rather silly. Here is a list of all the courses that you are enrolled in, except for the really important ones that you have to find in another location but once you have viewed the course it appears in the list of all your courses. Is there any way around this?

Re: Courses assigned by a program not showing in my learning
door George Angus - Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 17:38 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Eleanor,

What you are saying is far enough, but due to the functionality of Programs it's not so straightforward - some coursesets are conditional, and sometimes a Learner may only need to complete some of the courses in order to complete the Program so enrolling the Learner in all of them wouldnt make sense. There is some discussion on the matter here.

The messaging functionality in Programs can be used to make it absolutely clear where they have to go (Required Learning) to access the program content.

hope this helps


? ?
Re: Courses assigned by a program not showing in my learning
door ? ? - Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 18:00 PM

I can see your point with optional courses. I will get the team that are helping me to see if they can code something as a work around.