Best practice forum (Archived)
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Ah, sorry, Darren! I didn't realised which version you were talking about. This capability was actully added in Totara 2.5.
In 2.2.10 users could update their own idnumber, however later we added support to sync users in Totara Sync based on user idnumber. So, in 2.2.23, if users have "Totara Sync" checkbox field checked in their profile, only administrator can update their idnumbers. If you uncheck that field, users should be able to update idnumbers again.
Hi Darren,
Sorry, I was probably not quite clear. If user profiles have sync checkbox checked, then only site administrators (not sure what you mean by superusers here...) can update users' idnumbers. This was done to prevent users to accidentally updating their own idnumber which could lead to the problems if their details are updated through sync.
Unfortunately, in Totara 2.2 there is no option to avoid this behaviour other than customising the code (which I would not recommend).
Hi Darren,
To change this behaviour, look for useredit_shared_definition() function in user/editlib.php
There you will be looking for lines:
$mform->setType('idnumber', PARAM_NOTAGS);
if (!is_siteadmin() && $user->totarasync) {
You will need to remove entire if-statement so that no check for admin and totarasync is done any more.
Hope this helps.