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Hi Madhu,
According to your settings the email will be sent out one day before the Program due date, can you check that date? If you want weekly reminders sent out you must make a message for each week - based on say 1 week beofre duedate, two weeks, three weeks etc.
Hope this helps,
Hi Madhu,
This issue will be resolved over the next few months, we have a fair number of other commitments so I couldnt give a precise date Im afraid. If there was some kind of prior course/program the users undertook in order to fulfill the Audience critera (Instition, grade) then that could certainly be used to set a relative time for the Program.
Hope this helps,
Hi Madhu,
The important thing to realise is that your email reminders are sent relative to the completion date of the program for that group of users. The completion date is determined by the choice you make when you press the "Set Completion" link on the Assignments tab. Note that the "time required" which is set on the Content tab is not used to calculate the due date - it represents the minimum time a user would need, as described in the help:
This value indicates a minimum amount of time that a user might realistically be able to complete the course set. It is used to determine if the completion period set on the "assignments" tab is realistic for a particular group of users. If the assignment is not realistic, a "time allowance" exception will be generated and the user will not be assigned to the program until the exception has been resolved.
My understanding is that you want people to have 4 weeks to complete the program, from the time when they are signed up to it. Unfortunately at the moment that option doesn't exist - you can either choose a fixed completion date or a date relative to some other dates (position start date, first login date, date custom field, etc) but not relative to the assignment date.
What George is saying is that until the new feature can be developed, perhaps you can use another date to get the same effect.
Finally the "program due" messages you set up are also sent relative to the completion date, so if you want messages to go out after 1 week you would need to set the due date to be 4 weeks away then create a message to be sent "3 weeks before program is due".
We are hoping to develop the "relative to assignment" option fairly soon so we'll keep you posted with our progress. Be aware though that as a new feature it is possible it will only be included in the current release (2.5). It is possible we might also backport it to 2.4 but this is dependent on the complexity of the feature as described in our policy on backporting features.
Hope that helps!
Hi Madhu,
Can you send me two more screenshots:
- The standard user profile page of "Madhu Moole" (e.g. the url [SITEURL]/user/profile.php?id=X where X is the userid)
- The stadnard user profile page of the user from screenshot 2
Hi Madhu,
Were there any exceptions thown, in particular for the user who logged in 5th Nov?
Hi Madhu,
Please accept my apologies for the delay in getting back to you. In mitigation can I say I last responded last to you on Friday, 29 November 2013, 4:28 PM, we finished for the weekend at 5pm - New Zealand is a day ahead!
We are having difficulties reproducing this on 2.4.13/2.4.14/2.5.2.
Would it be possible for you to reproduce the steps you have taken on the Sandpit site?
Also I think it would be good if we could get access to your site - would this be possible - you can respond to, also could you forward me a copy of your database?
many thanks,
Hi Madhu,
No worries.
Type 1: You could schedule the courses in programs which had the appropriate Availablity or Available from settings ie if you wanted the course to repeat from a set date. The Audiences could be set up an all sorts of ways, by position, custom field etc. There are complete by dates within the program settings.
Type 2: New employee could be done with an audience based on position start date or first login used in conjunction with the availability dates. or you could have a new employee position or custom field for example.
Hi Madhu,
Id use the Availability date to start the program and use the completion date when assigning users to stipulate when it needs to be completed by. The new course will become available when it reoccurs.
There are trigger dates which can be used ie Program due messaging.
The program will always be available after it starts, but the recurring courses will only be available when they recur, and its possible to set completion dates for the learner, so its not relevant the courses are available after the completion date.
hope this is useful,