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Bug in course section summary editing

? ?
Bug in course section summary editing
by ? ? - Tuesday, 11 February 2014, 7:40 AM

We have just found when editing a course Section Summary ( site-name/course/editsection.php ) the "cancel" button does NOT cancel, it saves instead - the same as "save" button.

This is seen in version 2.4.9  and  2.5.1  that I have tried. Also tested a moodle 2.5.3 which cancels as expected.

I guess the cancel button isn't often used … 


? ?
Re: Bug in course section summary editing
by ? ? - Tuesday, 11 February 2014, 2:47 PM

Hi Alan,

Yes you are right, looks like this is a Moodle bug though they seem in no hurry to fix it.

I'll file a bug report and we'll see if it can be fixed by team Totara.