Best practice forum (Archived)

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Tuesday, 25 February 2014, 1:27 AM
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? ?
Re: Question re dividing courses/users?
von ? ? – Tuesday, 25 February 2014, 10:31 AM

I would start by looking in to audience-based visibility, which is disabled by default in "Advanced Features."

When enabled, course, program and certification visibility will switch to a more advanced interface which supports assigning "Visible learning" to Audiences at a site-wide level.

Once enabled, the visibility of each individual course, program or certification can be set to "Visible to all users", "Hidden from all users" or "Visible to members of the selected audiences". If "Visible to members of the selected audiences" is selected then the course, program or certification is only visible to members of any of the assigned audiences.

Warning: Enabling this setting will change the visibility of courses, programs and certifications across the whole site - the existing "Visibility" setting and the "viewhiddencourses" capability will no longer apply, so courses, programs and certifications that are currently hidden may become visible.