Best practice forum (Archived)
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Hi Alan,
Wouldn't it be easier to just turn off the "completion starts on enrollment" setting in the first place? Also, how are people being constantly enrolled on courses they shouldn't be on, that sounds like Audience rules and other procedures need to be checked first.
Completion is tricky and there are many cron and event-driven functions that add completion records, also in many industries there are legal requirements to hold on to such records, so I'm not sure if we would want to add an enhancement like this as it could cause more problems than it solves if someone accidentally used it and wiped a set of completion records.
Hi Alan,
I've just heard that there is a project to add a more comprehensive completion record editing tool that would allow admins to selectively remove and edit particular completion records. Sounds like it would be just what you need! It is currently planned to be included in 2.7 this October. I'll add a note that you are interested and keep you informed on any progress in the coming months.