The API documentation for the 'core_calendar_get_calendar_events' web service suggests that the following information is displayed/returned:
General structure
object {
events list of (
object {
id int //event id
name string //event name
description string Optional //Description
format int //description format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN)
courseid int //course id
groupid int //group id
userid int //user id
repeatid int //repeat id
modulename string Optional //module name
instance int //instance id
eventtype string //Event type
timestart int //timestart
timeduration int //time duration
visible int //visible
uuid string Optional //unique id of ical events
sequence int //sequence
timemodified int //time modified
subscriptionid int Optional //Subscription id
)warnings Optional //list of warnings
list of (
object {
item string Optional //item
itemid int Optional //item id
warningcode string //the warning code can be used by the client app to implement specific behaviour
message string //untranslated english message to explain the warning
When we look at the returned data, the courseid is only ever 0 or 1 and is not representative of our actual data.
Has anyone successfully tested the actual data that is returned?