Best practice forum (Archived)
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Hi Maurice,
Assessor, Regional Manager and Regional Trainer are basically legacy roles from Totara 1.1, they dont really do anything (although the are editable) and Ill put in a bug to have them removed - thanks for spotting.
As far as the contribution roles play in the use of Totara goes - there's some guidance here & here.
Roles are a crucial part of ToraraLMS , I think its reasonably clear from the descriptors here:
what each one is about, they all are highly configurable and their deployment would depend very much on what your particular circumstances are. I think the best way to compare would be to go into each and have a look at the permissions.
Hi Maurice,
The staff manager is usually assigned in the user context, that is relative to the user only, and not in the system context. I think a workaround to produce a list of staff managers would be to create a dynamic audience based on the rule "has direct reports". The members would then be users you are after.
You will have to re-assign a role to those users whose role you deleted, my understanding is the default role will that which is applied to users, rather than one which they revert to should their role be deleted. Changes would be applied on an ongoing basis, rather than retrospectively.