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Hi Steph,
I strongly suspect this is due to the changes made by Moodle to the SCORM module recently. Could you ask your partners to submit a support ticket so we can track - and could you inform them of the completion settings? Ill deal with it as soon as I have the ticket info.
Hi Steph and George,
I'm just wondering what the end result of this was? I'm experiencing what seems to be the exact issue you raised Stef back in Jan 2015 in that when a learner leaves a particular SCORM package without completed it (as in they only completed a couple of quiz questions), it is shown as failed in the LMS. The learner then returns to the SCORM package later, continues the same attempt, completes a few more quiz questions, maybe even completes all the quiz questions, but the initial 'failed' result won't update to show the new result.
I don't want to force the learner to start a new attempt as it means they need to complete the entire module all over again.
I want to give the learner the flexibility to complete the module and quiz questions over multiple sittings and as they attain more points, that it is updated in Totara.
I uploaded the Storyline SCORM file to the SCORM Cloud for some testing this morning and it tracks perfectly. I can access the module, complete a question or two, exit and the new result updates in the SCORM cloud. I can do this as many times as needed until I reach the required pass mark and submit the results. I think this testing in the SCORM cloud confirm that the Storyline settings are OK and that it's perhaps the settings I have in Totara.
Should I submit a support ticket? Any advice/ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks, Michelle
Hi - I found a solution to my SCORM problem -
It was all to do with the masteryscore in the imsmanifest file in the SCORM zip file, which I removed and all tracks OK.
Thanks, Michelle