Best practice forum (Archived)

Hide Programs from students in organizations

Joan Perez
Hide Programs from students in organizations
von Joan Perez – Tuesday, 5 September 2017, 8:23 AM
Gruppe Partners

Hi all,

Currenty, we're setting up a Totara 9 instance in which 2 different organizations will access the LMS, which contains different Programs for each organization. 

Up to now, we worked only with courses and I could successfully handle the visibility of these courses for the right organisations (at the course level). However, now we're building Programs and I'm not able to hide certain Programs to certain organizations. 

Assuming that we have Organization 1 and Organization 2, and we have Program A and Program B, the requirement is that users in Organization 1 should only see Program A, and users in Organization 2 should only see Program B. 

Is there a way to handle this situation?


Craig Eves
Re: Hide Programs from students in organizations
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Tuesday, 5 September 2017, 3:27 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Joan

This sounds like you should use the audience based visibility feature and make the program visible to enrolled users and members of an audience that has the specified organisation as a rule.

Are you using audience based visibility for the courses? - note the warning when turning audience visibility on Enabling this setting will change the visibility of courses, programs and certifications across the whole site - the existing "Visibility" setting and the "viewhiddencourses" capability will no longer apply, so courses, programs and certifications that are currently hidden may become visible.

Also note that users with "manageaudiencevisibility" capability (managers by default) can see all courses, program and certifications so you will need to turn this off in roles you don't want to see the program.


Joan Perez
Re: Hide Programs from students in organizations
von Joan Perez – Tuesday, 5 September 2017, 11:42 PM
Gruppe Partners

Many thanks, Craig. For some reason, I didn't find the feature at the Program level and that was the cause of my confusion. Now everything is fixed. 

Thanks for your quick response.
