Totara Learn Open Discussions

Totara 2.9 - Deleting Records in Bulk & Non-Accessible Profile Fields

? ?
Totara 2.9 - Deleting Records in Bulk & Non-Accessible Profile Fields
door ? ? - Thursday, 10 May 2018, 15:37 PM


I haven't been able to find exactly what I was looking for throughout the forum, so I apologize if this has already been solved. I have recently started working for a company using Totara 2.9 and had two questions relating to the upcoming EU GDPR implementation:


1. Is there a way for us to remove/delete records in bulk or have an automated process put into place that could remove those records after a predetermined period (2 weeks - a month) when a student finished a course or is inactive for a while? I see in the 2.9 documentation a manual process under the [User Administration --> User Accounts] section, but it would take us quite a bit to go through all our records.


2. We would like to remove/suppress some profile fields that we feel aren't completely necessary for our students to fill out. After going through the documentation and attempting the method listed under [User Administration --> User Accounts --> User Profile Fields] to remove those profile fields, we are only listed with the bottom section ("Other Fields" for us). Is there a possible way for us to access the other profile sections to remove/suppress the fields we don't need? If not, how would we go about removing a profile section such as Profile Picture?


I appreciate any help on these issues!

Tom Ireland
Re: Totara 2.9 - Deleting Records in Bulk & Non-Accessible Profile Fields
door Tom Ireland - Tuesday, 22 May 2018, 04:20 AM
Groep Totara
Hi, Michael

Thanks for your questions. I'll answer them in the order numbered.

1. Is there a way for us to remove/delete records in bulk or have an automated process put into place that could remove those records after a predetermined period (2 weeks - a month) when a student finished a course or is inactive for a while? I see in the 2.9 documentation a manual process under the [User Administration --> User Accounts] section, but it would take us quite a bit to go through all our records.

It is possible to delete users in bulk using HR Import or the Upload users tool. You'd need to prepare a CSV file with the users required to be removed. For more information on both tools, please see our documentation on HR Import and Upload users. I have linked to our latest documentation which is the most up-to-date, but some aspects for HR Import only apply in versions higher than 2.9, however all user related information will be relevant in this scenario.

If you want to be able to support GDPR compliance in regard to management of user records, I would strongly recommend upgrading to Totara Learn 11 where you can take full advantage of all functionality which helps support GDPR compliance. More information can be found in the Totara Learn 11 release notes on what support is currently provided.

2. We would like to remove/suppress some profile fields that we feel aren't completely necessary for our students to fill out. After going through the documentation and attempting the method listed under [User Administration --> User Accounts --> User Profile Fields] to remove those profile fields, we are only listed with the bottom section ("Other Fields" for us). Is there a possible way for us to access the other profile sections to remove/suppress the fields we don't need? If not, how would we go about removing a profile section such as Profile Picture?

It's not possible to remove core user profile fields and you would need to customise the core code to achieve this. We do have an open suggestion to provide the ability to manage default fields better. Please feel free to add your thoughts to the discussion. This helps us get a better idea of your specific requirements and understand potential pain points.

I hope the above helps.


Craig Eves
Re: Totara 2.9 - Deleting Records in Bulk & Non-Accessible Profile Fields
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 22 May 2018, 15:57 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Michael

Another way of bulk deleting accounts that doesn't require HR Import is to select users with a filter based on last access date and delete the selected accounts using Bulk User actions 

Alternatively an audience with a rule such as a course completion more than X days ago can be created. The audience id can then be used in the user filter above so and the bulk user action performed. 

You can also use bulk action action to send a message to the affected users warning them you are going to delete their account in case they don't want you to do this as deleting accounts is irreversible.
