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is Totara Reporting only 1 level deep?

? ?
is Totara Reporting only 1 level deep?
door ? ? - Monday, 3 December 2018, 13:07 PM

This may seem like a dumb question but it appears to me that Reporting is only 1 level deep in totara.  Meaning, while Managers can see their direct reports in the My Team Tab but if we wanted Directors to see learners, they would not be able to unless we set up a custom report?    

This is the hierarchical structure of our Management:    [[SET Team-Directors-Managers-learners]]

is this accurate? or do i need more training? and if its possible, how?

thank you in advance for your help.


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Re: is Totara Reporting only 1 level deep?
door ? ? - Monday, 3 December 2018, 14:34 PM

HI Christina,

You're correct, the Team page only displays direct reports. For indirect reports, you would need to use Report Builder and make sure the Content Controls display both direct and indirect reports. 

Sometimes the naming convention can be a bit confusing as there may be a need to have multiple folks in a reporting hierarchy that need to see a learner's details at the level the Team tab displays them. In that case, you could assign a second manager to the learner so they can also see it.

Hope that helps!

? ?
Re: is Totara Reporting only 1 level deep?
door ? ? - Tuesday, 4 December 2018, 06:48 AM

That is a BIG help Wesley, thank you!