Best practice forum (Archived)

How 2 configure X days from start date?

? ?
How 2 configure X days from start date?
by ? ? - Friday, 25 January 2019, 1:05 PM

Hi Brilliant Totara users

i have a program with multiple courses that wants its learners to complete 1 specific course 15 days from the start date and within the same program another course that asks you to complete it within 30 days from start date.   

Learners are enrolled via an Audience of new hires using the rule of start date of users job assignment is after 01.01.19

what would be the best way to set those time frames per course within this program?

Thank you as Always for your input



Peter Pappas
Re: How 2 configure X days from start date?
by Peter Pappas - Monday, 4 February 2019, 1:43 AM

Hi Christina,

We do a large number of "Onboarding" courses which are based on being part of an audience (dynamic or set) we normally set due dates based on the program enrollment date rather than start date. 

I believe start date is the date that you choose for the start of the program or course?


? ?
Re: How 2 configure X days from start date?
by ? ? - Monday, 4 February 2019, 1:22 PM

Hi Peter

thank you so much for the information.

when you say "Program Enrollment Date" where exactly are you setting that?   i dont see that option in [Audience Rule Sets].

i did create a dynamic- New Hires Audience.   in your scenario are you assigning via the Audience or within the actual Program?

thank you in advance, i really appreciate it.


Peter Pappas
Re: How 2 configure X days from start date?
by Peter Pappas - Monday, 4 February 2019, 9:56 PM

Hi Christina,

We set this using the assignments tab in certifications. Assigning an audience then setting the due date based on x days from enrollment. I assume that programs would work similarly but I have those disabled so can not tell.
