Best practice forum (Archived)

Let the users choose their own manager

FarkasKinga Ágnes
Let the users choose their own manager
FarkasKinga Ágnes 发表于 2019年02月4日 Monday 02:51

Hello Everybody!


I was wondering if it would be possible in Totara 11 to let the users choose their own manager job assignment?

In our case we (administrators) will set the job assignments for every user but we want to let them choose their own manager.  Is it a capability? Is it possible at all?


Thanks for your comments!



Craig Eves
Re: Let the users choose their own manager
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2019年02月4日 Monday 14:50
小组 Totara

Hi Kinga

If you use the self registration with authentication to add user accounts there is an option to choose managers - also note that this means jobs are visible to the public which may not be wanted.

I looked at capabilities and there is one to 'Assign a temporary manager to yourself' which could be used - there isn't a permission to assign your own manager though.


FarkasKinga Ágnes
Re: Let the users choose their own manager
FarkasKinga Ágnes 发表于 2019年02月5日 Tuesday 00:25

Hi Craig,

Thank you, I did not know that plugin before! It seems to be very useful, so thanks again :)
