Best practice forum (Archived)

Reporting on Editing trainers

Evy De Bruyckere
Reporting on Editing trainers
von Evy De Bruyckere – Wednesday, 6 February 2019, 12:16 AM


We're looking for a way to get an overview (report) on the dashboard of our trainers that includes all sessions they are appointed to as editing trainer. We found a way to do this, by using the seminar/events report to start off from and to limit on roles of the event and select 'editing trainer'. So, this part of the report is okay.

The issue is that our editing trainers are not only appointed to sessions, but also to courses where no sessions have been planned yet. How can we make these courses appear in the report as well? There is a way to check the box for sessions that don't have a date assigned to them yet. However, this does not resolve the issue that courses without sessions are being excluded from the report, even when that person has been appointed as editing trainer to that course.

We have tried starting off from other reports, but then you cannot add the limitation of roles.

Any ideas?

I also saw this was a topic mentioned before:
Has this been resolved?

Thank you!


Craig Eves
Re: Reporting on Editing trainers
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Thursday, 7 February 2019, 3:36 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Evy

Thanks for the link to the previous discussion - TL-12392 the filter for course role wasn't implemented due to performance problems this query would cause and TL-12393 was implemented in user reports from Learn v10.7 through to 12

It is possible to filter by course role using Bulk user actions to select the users and then select Display on page or download.


Peter Pappas
Re: Reporting on Editing trainers
von Peter Pappas – Sunday, 10 February 2019, 9:57 PM

Hi Evy,

I created a "Roster of instructors" report source about a year ago. We still use this report today with version 12.2. You would be welcome to the code but I am not sure how to get it to you.


Evy De Bruyckere
Re: Reporting on Editing trainers
von Evy De Bruyckere – Thursday, 14 February 2019, 7:38 AM

Hi Peter

That would be much appreciated. Do you mean that the core code needs to be adjusted in order to be able to create such a report?

Kind regards
