Totara Learn Open Discussions

Possibility to set a default language for an audience?

Rebecca Braunert-Plunkett
Possibility to set a default language for an audience?
by Rebecca Braunert-Plunkett - Wednesday, 15 January 2020, 4:56 AM
Group Learn Site Administrator


Would any of you Totara gurus have any idea or suggestion about assigning a default language pack to a learner based on either a location or specific audience criteria?

I am currently  building a dashboard for an audience in Italy and ideally would like to have the interface default to Italian for learners that self-register in our system and choose Italy as their country. 

I know that there is an admin setting that can be set to detect the browser language (and that might ultimately the way to go) and set the language pack accordingly but am just wondering if there are any other use cases/ solutions out there in the community.

Any suggestions are very much appreciated.

Have a great day,


Craig Eves
Re: Possibility to set a default language for an audience?
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Wednesday, 15 January 2020, 5:01 PM
Group Totara

Hi Rebecca

There is a setting preferred language that sets the user's language.

The url for this is yoursiteurl/user/language.php?id=2&course=1 once this is saved then this will apply whenever the user logs in. This url could be added to the main menu to make it visible 

Theoretically the language auto-detect should work assuming the user's browser is in the same language as they use in Totara.


Rebecca Braunert-Plunkett
Re: Possibility to set a default language for an audience?
by Rebecca Braunert-Plunkett - Thursday, 16 January 2020, 8:29 AM
Group Learn Site Administrator

Hello Craig,

thank you for the info. 

The way it looks, the language auto-detect tool works beautifully for the login page, but once the learner logs in the language reverts back to the default language. 

I will definitely take a look at the link you gave me :).

Thanks so much- and have a great day,
