Totara Learn Open Discussions

How do I reset the scorm for a User.

Cyndi Nagel
How do I reset the scorm for a User.
על ידי Cyndi Nagel בתאריך 6/04/2020, 10:19

We have a user that can't retake the entire course. We need him to re-take the entire course, but scorm will not reset. 

To date we have:

  • Adjusted certification date to reflect certification is newly assigned
  • We deleted his scorm attempts in the Grades section

When the scorm course is reopened it still shows as complete. All he has to do is click into the course and it remarks him complete. How can I adjust this?  

Re: How do I reset the scorm for a User.
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 6/04/2020, 18:03
קבוצה Totara

Hi Cyndi,

There's a useful thread here.

Specifically - can you try setting "Force new attempt" in the "Attempts Management" section to 'Yes'?

Let us know how you get on, and if you have any further queries.

