Best practice forum (Archived)

Adding learners to a seminar after the event

Lyn Williams
Adding learners to a seminar after the event
על ידי Lyn Williams בתאריך 4/05/2020, 22:46

Kia Ora Koutou, 

Is this possible?

Recently we have had a significant number of staff members added to our LMS. 

They have attended seminars and now I am needing to add them to their learning.

I have been able to create events retrospectively but not add attendies.

Thank you in advance for any support, advice or work arounds.



Craig Eves
Re: Adding learners to a seminar after the event
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 5/05/2020, 14:41
קבוצה Totara

Kia Ora Lyn

I tried adding a seminar in the past and adding attendees and this worked Ok, I was using version 12

Are there any messages that show why the learner is not able to be added such as conflicting times with another seminar.

There are a few settings around the signup workflow in Version 12 . Setting the 'How many times the user can sign-up' to more than one may help if this is the reason the user is able to be signed up.

If this doesn't help can you or your Partner create a ticket in the Support desk and add details on the Totara version and Seminar settings so we can see what the problem is.
