Totara Learn Open Discussions

Grade History Report

Re: Grade History Report
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 24/06/2020, 15:55
קבוצה Totara

Hi Brook,

As per your Helpdesk ticket:

'Our dev team have confirmed this is expected behaviour.

Every time a user uploads new/updates existing submission for an assignment, their grade gets updated as a part of the submission process. The History table captures the learner as the user who modified the grade (which is technically correct as the learner was the one who uploaded a new submission which kicked off the process). The History report puts into the "Grader" column everyone who modified the grade and in this case it was the learner even though the grade was not modified in real terms.

We feel that changing the behaviour isnt advisable as other functionality might be relying on the information captured in the grade history table'.

