Totara Learn Open Discussions

Grade History Report

Brooke Jacobs
Grade History Report
door Brooke Jacobs - Monday, 22 June 2020, 19:38 PM
Groep PartnersGroep TXP Site AdministratorGroep V18 Program Complete

Hi everyone,

I am using the grade history report via grade book for Totara v10 and v12. 

I have noticed that once a student/learner submits an assignment their name appears in the "grader" drop down list (attached screen shot). I have also noted that editing lecturers/trainers do not appear in this list until they have graded a student. 

When I run the report the column called "grader" shows students/learners. Is this expected behaviour? The docs for Totara v10 lead me to believe they should be showing students only. 

Any advice? 

Craig Eves
Re: Grade History Report
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 22 June 2020, 20:46 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Brooke

The expected behaviour is that people who have the trainer role are graders. 

Learners shouldn't be listed unless they also have the trainer role. If you go into the course admin and select UsersEnrolled users are the users showing only enrolled as learners.

For the first screen this looks as though it has a few fields that I can't see .- has the assignment module been customised? 


Brooke Jacobs
Re: Grade History Report
door Brooke Jacobs - Monday, 22 June 2020, 21:23 PM
Groep PartnersGroep TXP Site AdministratorGroep V18 Program Complete

This behaviour is on two different sites. One is totara 10 and one is our vanilla site which is running totara 12 with no customizations to the assignment module. The learners do not have any other roles assigned (only learner). 

The screen I have attached is from our test site. 

Craig Eves
Re: Grade History Report
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 13:59 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Brooke

Thanks for confirming that - it is the first screen for the assignment submission grading screen that looks different to the one that I see on a standard Totara 12 


Brooke Jacobs
Re: Grade History Report
door Brooke Jacobs - Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 16:31 PM
Groep PartnersGroep TXP Site AdministratorGroep V18 Program Complete

Hi Craig,

I am running the grade history report from the grade book (I don't click on the assignment). 

Grade book set up > view grade history > then submit to get the report

Craig Eves
Re: Grade History Report
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 17:25 PM
Groep Totara

Thanks for your patience - I didn't press the submit button!

I got the same as you the graders shows as the learner when the learner has submitted their assignment. Once the Assignment is graded then the grader is shown as the person who allocated the grade.

This seems correct as there can be several graders on the course so the grader is now known until this has been graded.

Also note that the grader is shown as the learner when the grade is calculated by the activity such as quiz or SCORM.


Brooke Jacobs
Re: Grade History Report
door Brooke Jacobs - Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 17:58 PM
Groep PartnersGroep TXP Site AdministratorGroep V18 Program Complete

Hi Craig,

I understand for a quiz for the learner to be shown, but what about an assignment? 

The issue we are facing is that a learner submits an assignment and then appears as a "grader" in the drop down when they haven't graded anything (only submitted). The report also shows them as a grader when they have submitted. 

Shouldn't the report only show the editing trainers once they have graded the assignment and not the learner in the graded column? 


Craig Eves
Re: Grade History Report
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 19:37 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Brooke

I agree the term grader is not clear sometimes this is the submitter rather than the person who graded the assignment. 

Are you able to create a ticket for this in the support portal to fix this.


Re: Grade History Report
door George Angus - Wednesday, 24 June 2020, 15:55 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Brook,

As per your Helpdesk ticket:

'Our dev team have confirmed this is expected behaviour.

Every time a user uploads new/updates existing submission for an assignment, their grade gets updated as a part of the submission process. The History table captures the learner as the user who modified the grade (which is technically correct as the learner was the one who uploaded a new submission which kicked off the process). The History report puts into the "Grader" column everyone who modified the grade and in this case it was the learner even though the grade was not modified in real terms.

We feel that changing the behaviour isnt advisable as other functionality might be relying on the information captured in the grade history table'.

