Best practice forum (Archived)

Adobe Flash cut off

Andy Chatwin
Adobe Flash cut off
by Andy Chatwin - Thursday, 16 July 2020, 6:52 AM

Hi Group,
I was talking to a client this morning that mentioned in passing that they haven't yet started to analyse how much Flash content they have on their LMS. I was amazed seeing as how much notice we've all had that Adobe will officially end support and distribution of Flash Player at the end of 2020.
I was wondering if other Totara Solution Partners are seeing this too? did Totara Learn customers have so much notice that they have just left it in their "to do" list?
I'd be interested to hear from others as to their experiences.

Austen Sinclair
Re: Adobe Flash cut off
by Austen Sinclair - Thursday, 16 July 2020, 6:10 PM
Group PartnersGroup TXP Site AdministratorGroup V18 Program Complete
Hi Andy,

18 months ago we had some fun with a campaign called the 'Flash Apocalypse'  and open sourced a special site report that finds Flash files in your site. This might be worth a look.  The campaign, very briefly, trended on Twitter:

Among our client base, which includes a lot of Government & Health agencies, many had significant quantities of Flash and have had a lot of work arising from this.


Andy Chatwin
Re: Adobe Flash cut off
by Andy Chatwin - Friday, 17 July 2020, 1:28 AM

Thanks Austin, I'll certainly take a look! 

is it okay to reach out if I have questions?

