Currently, we are using the Appraisal functionality of Totara Learn v14, but would be very interested in moving to use Perform if it solved some of our frustrations with the functionality in Learn.
One of the big issues we have is having to create multiple copies of the same template so as one is completed another can be pushed out, so the Repeating option for Perform is excellent. The one issue I think I have discovered in testing (and it might just be me missing something) is that there doesn't seem to be a "Immediately after completion of previous instance" option (or the ability to set the "Time since completion of previous instance" to 0) for Frequency.
The workflow for us would be to close off an existing appraisal template and set new objectives in the new template during the same meeting, so having to wait until the following day (the minimum time which can be specified) is going to lead to a lot of staff not having objectives set. At the moment on Learn we push out a new copy of the template before the previous one is due to be completed (so there's immediately a template available when it is), but ideally on Perform we would like there always to be exactly 1 active template available (the current one).
Am I missing something?