A lot of our course content was presented in tables as per the image below, we have upgraded to V17, and the borders for these tables are no longer present and the content sits randomly on a book activity page.
Is this how they now present in V17 ? Do you have a solution to reinstate borders or will we need to look at a plug in?
Totara Learn Open Discussions
Table format in V17
Hi Gill
I think what may have happened is that the content in the book was created by copying and pasting html and some of this advanced html has been cleaned as it may be a potential security risk. There are settings to prevent this but this exposes the site to potential unsafe content.
Alternatively this may be due to a theme chnage - what version of Totara was the site upgraded from and has the new site got a customised theme?
Gill, are you comfortable editing markup? I've been able to apply table styling at the HTML level using basic attributes, and the HTML purifier isn't stripping out any of them. A bit old-fashioned, but it is working for me.
Hi Ashley, thank you for your response. Yes use HTML all the time, the issue is I have hundreds of tables to format.
When we upgraded the plug-in didn't work, but have it fixed now.