Suggest Totara Perform features

Suggested changes for v19

Jeet Padaruth
Suggested changes for v19
by Jeet Padaruth - Friday, 1 March 2024, 3:18 AM

Dear Perform Community

We have been piloting Perform v17 for the past year, and even though it is intuitive, we feel that several adjustments could greatly benefit users.

While Totara Goals in v18 addresses one of our pilot users' biggest complaints, there are still some complaints linked to the following bullet points.

  1. Give the appraiser the ability to unlock the performance activity after submission to allow for the adjustment of submitted goals or any other section of the performance activity.

  2. Allow administrators to set the completion criteria for the activity. E.g. only certain sections required to show the form as being completed.

  3. Option to allow Appraisals to be visible to new managers/appraisers.

  4. Removal of the restriction that requires one question element added per section so that a section can be created with only static content, and without the need to submit.

  5. A solution for offline appraisals e.g. allowing users to toggle between on/offline, if toggled off then specific sections to be hidden.

  6. Allow for the form to be updated after being launched (wording at the very least).

There is a possibility we wont be using v18 because of the negative feedback surrounding these points, but we are hoping these can be taken into consideration for the v19 roadmap.

Anyone else agree with the above?

Would love to hear Ashley's thoughts on the above, inparticular around the first 3 points as these are our most problematic.


Jeet Padaruth

LMS Manager at UCLH.

Rob Bloor
Re: Suggested changes for v19
by Rob Bloor - Tuesday, 5 March 2024, 5:28 AM
Group Partners


Vey similar to number 1 i.e. allow editing: Where a participant has submitted their response it locks the content that that participant cannot further edit - and also if its not submitted the other participant cannot view. Option to edit content after submission until all parties have completed where the form should then lock.

Jeet Padaruth
Re: Suggested changes for v19
by Jeet Padaruth - Thursday, 7 March 2024, 2:36 AM

Hi Rob

Thanks for responding, good suggestion. That would in theory work well, only locked once all participants have completed.


Ashley Mundy
Re: Suggested changes for v19
by Ashley Mundy - Monday, 18 March 2024, 1:25 PM
Group Totara

Hi Jeet -

(I was on leave hence the late reply 🙂)

Thank you for these suggestions! Could you describe the scenarios or types of performance activities that you're trying to create that would benefit from these improvements?


Your first and last points make a lot of sense, the ability to correct mistakes from both a participant and an admin is one we've been exploring most recently. The one red flag that we've come up against is auditability and finding a balance between fixing errors or omissions and changing the nature of the review.

For example, let's say that a user selects a goal (or competency) for review and submits. They later realise that they selected the wrong goal, and wish to replace it with other(s). However, their manager has already started to provide a review of that goal. When this happens - what do you see being allowable for the user? What should their manager see?


We currently have required v. optional settings at the question level, but if I'm understanding correctly, what you're after is required v. optional at the section level? If I follow through with this line of thought, then a review is complete after all required sections are submitted, and any optional sections may or may not be filled out.


We're looking at what happens to performance activities when a user changes job assignments, or when a new manager joins a team (same job assignment, different manager entered into the field, please correct me if I'm wrong).

What you're after is for an incoming manager to be able to view pre-existing, closed performance activities?

Would this be defined for each activity, so for instance all closed appraisals for an employee would be made visible to their new manager, but not their 'peer reviews' (example only)?
Would the type of job change matter? For instance, would 'new manager' because the employee changed jobs get access to all old appraisals, or only 'new manager' for the same job assignment?

In a similar line of questioning, in which cases should the 'old manager' lose access to closed performance activities?
