Totara Learn Open Discussions

Audience based on 100% compliance

Libby Doran
Audience based on 100% compliance
par Libby Doran, Monday 15 April 2024, 12:59

I am trying to have a ' well done' image show on our custom learner dashboard when they have completed all 'required' courses. (I am also trying to hide custom reports with no data in a table block, but that's an issue I don't think can be solved!).

There are a lot of factors about what is required for each individual and this is usually defined in a custom report. I would like to identify the courses by our 'required' custom field, or at the least, certain course categories. Currently I think the only way to create the audience that identifies users who are up to date with their training is to list each individual course. This is not feasible as not all staff will be enrolled. Any ideas? It's hard to articulate, I feel I have not done a great job!

  • Completed all training they are enrolled in

  • Only for courses ticked as 'required' in the custom field (and/OR is in a specific course category)

The ideal would be to use the definition in the custom report to add people to an audience if there is no data/outstanding courses for them. The current filters seem to only let me specify a list of courses they need to be enrolled in, and another ruleset on those they have completed. This would mean no one is in the audience as no one needs to do them all.

Craig Eves
Re: Audience based on 100% compliance
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Monday 15 April 2024, 20:22
Groupe Totara

Hi Libby

This sounds like what a program is used for - where a set of courses including optional or required courses are completed to complete the program.

A program overview report could be created to show progress in the program and various courses and an Open Badge automatically awarded on completion of the program that can be displayed within Totara or externally.


Libby Doran
Re: Audience based on 100% compliance
par Libby Doran, Tuesday 16 April 2024, 15:00

Hello Craig, thanks for your timely reply. Unfortunately I disagree (I think). Which courses are optional and which are required vary by learner role and start date. It also combines courses across orientations, refreshers and certifications. My understanding is programmes can be tricky to maintain if courses are in more than one programme/certification.

I am wanting to create an audience who are compliant, but based on a custom field, and whether they are enrolled. I cannot use programmes to determine who is compliant, as the courses that are 'required' for each learner vary by role and start date. And they will not be enrolled in every course. Would you agree?

Craig Eves
Re: Audience based on 100% compliance
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Tuesday 16 April 2024, 17:14
Groupe Totara

Hi Libby

I agree on your disagreement on suitability of programs😊 . This wouldn't work if the course is part of a certification too as the course is reset when recertifying and this would also rest in the program.

Possibly creating learning plans to assign and enrol in courses by audience - there are a few steps involved so not for the faint hearted.
