Totara Learn Open Discussions

Virtual Rooms

Jayne Campbell
Virtual Rooms
by Jayne Campbell - Friday, 10 May 2024, 6:34 AM

Hi There,

I am fairly new to this platform. The other day I had to set up a virtual room so the teams link would be sent as a calendar invite automatically and the 'join room' pop up 15 mins before the event. Is there a better way of sending the link because there were 2 issues with this. Number 1: you have to 'name' the virtual link so when is does appear in the learners calendar as an invite in the 'location' window the learners cannot directly click the link because the 'name' of the room appears just before the link. Secondly: there is no option to change the 15 min pop up to say the day before or 1 hour before the workshop.

The thing with my virtual room set up was I had 3 different members of my team run the sessions and thus there were 3 different Teams links, running over about 10 sessions. Therefore the notification message reminder was not viable because each workshop had a different link. In the end I had to set my own alarms to message all users of each session a set time before the workshop. Not the best use of my time. Unless I am doing this wrong?

I even raised a ticket and was told the 'name' was a mandatory field enforced by Totrara and there was no way around it. Happy to take any suggestions?