Totara Learn Open Discussions

Program enrollment -> Course enrollment

Baris Topdan
Re: Program enrollment -> Course enrollment
بواسطة Friday, 24 May 2024, 3:15 AM - Baris Topdan
مجموعة Partners

Thank you for your reply. But that is already the case. That's what makes it strange. Logically it should work, but users still have to click on a course to complete the enrollment.

Simon Seiffert
Re: Program enrollment -> Course enrollment
بواسطة Thursday, 6 June 2024, 5:57 PM - Simon Seiffert
مجموعة Most Helpful Contributor 2022مجموعة Most helpful contributor 2023مجموعة TXP Site Administrator

That's the enrolment plug-in, so if they are in a Program and access the course - they're enrolled.

What Daniel was suggesting was to add a new enrolment instance of Audience-sync, and then add your audiences that are in the program that way - this means they'll be enrolled before accessing the course.

If you're not using audiences to enrol into the Program, then create a new audience where the Rules include "Program assignment" and select your Program/s.