Totara Learn Open Discussions

Transfer learning record

Cleo Ashley
Transfer learning record
by Cleo Ashley - Tuesday, 30 July 2024, 4:16 AM

Hello all,

I have a user who left the organisation for 10 days and rejoined which created a new second account. Our users are automatically imported from a secondary HR system daily. He has carried out a large amount of learning on his first account and I was looking for a way to transfer this over to his new account. I have looked on the forum previously and seen people mention "Upload Completion Records" but I cannot see a way to do this if you could kindly advise.



Lee Cooper
Re: Transfer learning record
by Lee Cooper - Tuesday, 30 July 2024, 5:08 AM
Group TotaraGroup TXP Site Administrator

Hi Cleo

Have a look at the help docs here, as they explain what RPL is and how it works. It explains how to do this for individual courses. However, if there are quite a few to mark as complete, then you may want to Upload course completions. It sounds like scary stuff, and it can be if you get it wrong. But if you take your time, it really is incredibly easy.

Hopefully this little video will help, but please shout if you need any more help or need more clarity.

Cleo Ashley
Re: Transfer learning record
by Cleo Ashley - Tuesday, 30 July 2024, 7:24 AM

Hi Lee,

Thank you for your help! Luckily each user profile has a "Record of Learning" on our system so I've run that report and I believe from what you showed in the video, I can just manually add any extra information in. I'll give it a go today and fingers crossed!

Lee Cooper
Re: Transfer learning record
by Lee Cooper - Tuesday, 30 July 2024, 9:50 AM
Group TotaraGroup TXP Site Administrator

Let me know if you need anything else



Marek Hanacek
Re: Transfer learning record
by Marek Hanacek - Thursday, 1 August 2024, 12:33 AM
Group Partners

Hi Cleo,

I will do "switch account". They are imported by HRimport therefore useridnumber is key identification so switch them 🙂
E.g. first account has useridnumber as '111' and new one has '222'. Rename '222' to '222_backup' and than rename first account '111' to '222'. Initialize HRimport manualny if you have that options (with generate src data) or wait till next scheduled run. It should automaticaly swap all fields (username, fullname etc). New second account '222_backup' can be deleted or renamed to '111'…