Best practice forum (Archived)

Reporting on courses completed outside of Totara

Michelle Lamont
Re: Reporting on courses completed outside of Totara
von Michelle Lamont – Wednesday, 5 August 2015, 4:30 PM

Hi Paul,

We recently created a process regarding First Aid Certifications, which is normally attended and completed by staff external to our organisation. Staff are required to show evidence of completion by showing their Statement of Attainment and then our educators record attendance against a face-to-face activity in a First Aid course in Totara ('fully attended' = completed).

The course in Totara is aligned to a Certification in Totara, so when a staff member has been recorded as 'fully attended' in the F2F activity, their Next Due Date is automatically set to 3 years and the cycle continues. The certification reporting in Totara is great as it shows previous completions and next due dates, etc. We've got email notifications set up in the certification to alert the manager and staff member at certain periods throughout the process.

For other external courses completed by staff, we extract data from the supplier's system and manually upload to Totara on a monthly basis.

Hope this gives you some ideas.
