Hi John,
You need to enable activity and course completion tracking on your site for the Recent learning and My Learning to correctly report the status. Here's what you need to do:
1. Click Site Admin > Grades > General Settings and ensure that 'Enable completion tracking' is enabled. Just below that setting you can set which roles will be tracked (typically just learner is fine).
2. Next go to the individual course settings page for the course you want to track, and ensure that 'Completion Tracking' is enabled. You may also want to start completion tracking when the student enrols by checking the checkbox. If you want to enable these by default on all courses go then also set them in 'Site admin > Courses > Course default settings'.
3. Next you need to set up 'Activity Completion' for the SCORM activity. Go to the SCORM activity settings page and set the options in the 'Activity Completion' section. You can decide here what the student needs to do to complete the activity (i.e just view it, or achieve a grade, or a particular status).
4. Finally, go back to the Course and you should see a 'Completion' option in the course admin menu. Click there and set up the 'criteria' which determine when the course is complete. You should see the activity you just set up under 'Activities completed'. You can set just a single criteria for completing the course, or multiple criteria on this page.
5. Finally, some parts of course completion require the cron to be running to correctly aggregate the data, so make sure your site cron is running.
Hope that helps!