Best practice forum (Archived)

Activity Locking

? ?
Activity Locking
par ? ?, Tuesday 28 June 2011, 09:13

Hi there,

I might be going mad but I can't seemed to find any Activity Locking options anywhere.

Shown here -

Is this something I need to turn on? Or is this only available on the certificate activity?



Craig Eves
Re: Activity Locking
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Tuesday 28 June 2011, 14:22
Groupe Totara

Hi Joe

To see these options you need to be trainer who has activity editing rights. There are usually two trainer roles and editing trainer and a trainer.

The activity may not have all the completion conditions shown in  the help documentaion depending on the type of activity it is.

As well as the activity completion for each course activity you can also select Completion in the course admin block to select actvity aggregation methods etc on a course basis.


? ?
Re: Activity Locking
par ? ?, Wednesday 29 June 2011, 02:28

Hi Craig,

The user account I am using has full editing rights.

However I cannot find any sort of activity locking options within totara or within any activities? I am aware of how to configure the course completion. However not sure how to lock activies. As described in the help document and the Totara Feature Comparison document.


Austen Sinclair
Re: Activity Locking
par Austen Sinclair, Wednesday 29 June 2011, 13:49
Groupe PartnersGroupe TXP Site AdministratorGroupe V18 Program Complete

Hi Joe

You should be looking for 'Restrict availabilty' in the settings of the activity - screen shot attached.

I think you only see this on course pages that have Course Completion enabled.


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Friday 1 July 2011, 02:30
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John Roughley
Re: Activity Locking
par John Roughley, Friday 1 July 2011, 03:23

Hey Austen

Have you enabled completion tracking in the course default settings? You may need your admin to do this if you do not have a high enough role.

When you create a course you have to enable completion tracking in the course settings. Once that is done, you would see the course completions settings in the individual activities, as in the screenshot above.


? ?
Re: Activity Locking
par ? ?, Friday 1 July 2011, 03:44

Hi John,

Thanks for replying, we definitely have completion tracking turned on.

We can see the Activity completion for the activity, just not the restrict availability options.



Craig Eves
Re: Activity Locking
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Sunday 3 July 2011, 20:09
Groupe Totara

Hi Joe

The setting that is required to be turned on to set conditions for making an activity available is Enable conditional availability (this needs to be ticked - default is not ticked)

This is found under Site Administration > Grades > General Settings

I think this is what you are after!
