Best practice forum (Archived)
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Hi Carol,
This has come up in the Partner discussion forums - my apologies you won't be able to view this, but for the benefit of the partners reading:
Perhaps there are some creative workarounds with current functionality and some coding if the plugin doesn;t fit the bill; suggestions in that thread are around some coding of report sources and custom fields to user positions and courses.
I'm not sure if it has been invetsigated beyond that, but it is something that Totara HQ are aware of as a requirement in a range of sectors.
As well as suggestions from others on the forums, I'm sure your Totara Partner will be able to help too.
Hi Carol,
have you looked at the Mahara e-portfolio tool? We're using it in conjunction with Totara for a number of regulated (healthcare) professional groups. It's got a nice, simple CPD plugin, but then does rather more, allowing learners to record evidence stores, submit pages of evidence to internal assessors or external auditors, and the like.
Happy to discuss further - but if you have a Totara partner talk to them first (they're likely to have Mahara knowledge too).
Best wishes,
Tim @ Think