Best practice forum (Archived)

Viewing course content without enrolment

AJ Ackerman
Viewing course content without enrolment
by AJ Ackerman - Wednesday, 18 June 2014, 8:58 PM

Hi all,

Seeking advice as to the best way to set up a course which does not require any enrollment on the staff-members (learners) record.

We have a number of resources we are looking to host on our Totara platform however, we do not want our staff to have to enroll into a course in order to view it. Is there any way to get around this feature?

We do use self-enrollment in a number of our courses however, this does cause some confusion with individuals believing they have signed-up to a session when they are simply seeking further information in the topic or looking up face-to-face session times.

Essentially we want a page where we can host document and video resources without having it to be listed in records of learning.


Ciaran Irvine (Core Developer)
Re: Viewing course content without enrolment
by Ciaran Irvine (Core Developer) - Wednesday, 18 June 2014, 9:19 PM

Hi AJ,

You could just enable only the Guest enrolment plugin on those information courses. And turn off the "login as guest" button on the login page

Site Admin-> Plugins-> Authentication->Manage Authentication, set "Guest login button" to "Hide"

That way random external people will not be able to log in to your site, or see the info courses, but your registered users will be able to access those courses as Guests once they have logged in, which means no completion tracking will happen and the courses should not show up on the Record of Learning.