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E-commerce tool

? ?
E-commerce tool
by ? ? - Wednesday, 2 October 2013, 7:41 PM

Hi everyone,

I am trying to set up a new enrolment system in our language school. I see that there is a paypal plugin, but we currently have an agreement with another e-commerce provider, that we use on our regular website. Our account is already linked to this partner so the process would be much easier if we could still use them for online payments. How does it actually work for the integration in the lMS? Is it possible to do it or is Paypal the only way?


P.S. The partner provides a sample code and testing facilities.


Thank you!

Re: E-commerce tool
by George Angus - Wednesday, 2 October 2013, 8:41 PM
Group Totara

Hi Federica,

There's some info here you might find interesting:

