We have a certifiction/re-certification with a 12 month period, window opens 3 months before deadline. Certificate is assigned to all staff. No set completions. The certification/recertification contains a single course.
This course has multiple face to face activities (in different topics). One activity is called "historical training records" and is used - in a topic hidden from learners - to store previously uploaded F2F activity data in a number of sessions. F2F attendance data was uploaded by a custom script.
Another activity is in a visible topic is used to store attendance at multiple recent/current F2F sessions.
I have a learner - let's call her Steph - who has a completion of the hidden F2F activity back in May 2010, and a completion of a recent/visible F2F activity in November 2013. (and 2 other completions in between)
Steph's attendance and certification records are in the attached (screenshots 1 and 2). Steph's record of learning/certification looks like screenshot 3 in the attached.
So to my questions.
1) Why does the record of learning show what it shows? I think it should be showing:
Certification due date 9th May 2014 rather than "no due date" - but how is this different to expiration date? Is due date actually determined by "set completion"? Or does it only show a date when the recertification window is open?
Renewal status - actually I don't know what the values are supposed to show here - what is the possible list?
Window opens should show 9th Feb 2014 (rather than blank)
Expiration date should show 9th May 2014 (rather than blank)
We assigned these certificates today - should I expect to see an update of the empty display fields on the 24 hour cron? (I know the completion date displayed - 5th December - is a bug that is being fixed in 2.5.3).
2) I can see that the 23rd November 2010 course won't "count" because it's not in the window that would have been counted from the 1st August 2010 completion. But: why do I not see TWO historic certification completions, one for 1 August 2010 and one for 7 Feb 2012? Rather than the one that I see in the attached?
confused of Bristol.
Best practice forum (Archived)
Certification logic with multiple Face to Face activities
Hi Tim,
Yes, "certification due date" is determined by "set completion" in the certification.
Renewal status options are: Not Due, Due or Expired. Before the recertification window opens it is Not Due. After the recertification window opens but before it expires it is Due. After that it's expired.
The exact contents of the certification date fields is dependent on how the data has been imported, so I don't have enough information to know why it is the way it is. It does seem strange that the completion date is recent but that it says it is "expired" if the certification is supposed to last 12 months.
I think some of the issues you are seeing will be resolved by the fixes due in 2.5.3. Others may be related to point 2 below.
If I've understood correctly you have imported historic f2f (and maybe course completion?) data and you want the certification to "generate" historic completions based on that data. I'm afraid that's not how it works. If you want to create "historic" certification completion records you will need to upload them via the certification import tool.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for this response, I am the 'Steph' Tim mentions above! So could I ask a couple of questions about the certification import tool:
1. Currently our historic data is held within different f2f activities within the same course as staff might have undertaken it in different types of sessions and we would like to retain this level of data. If we add the existing f2f activity ID number to the .csv template as a separate column will it find & over-write the existing data or does the upload simply create a new activity within the existing course thus meaning our data a duplicated?
2. All our activity completion settings are set to 'Fully attended' how does this affect the Grade column in the template?
Many thanks in anticipation - Steph
Hi Steph,
For question 1, if you are talking about the course or certification import form, neither of those forums will have any affect on that data at the "activity" level - your face to face attendance data will definitely remain unchanged by any import. All the import does is set the course completion (or certification completion) and optionally the course grade. It won't create any activities or modify any activity data.
For question 2, there should be no effect e.g. if completion is based on f2f status setting the grade will not cause any completion criteria to be met because the criteria is based on the attendance status.
Hi Simon,
We have now installed the 2.5.3, uploaded both course and certicate completions using the new templates but the certification is still picking up the first date I completed the course as opposed to the most recent thus making the renewal 'Expired'.
I've attached screenshots of the certification settings, uploaded templates and My Learning Record - Completions & Previous Completions.
I really am stumped about where I'm going wrong, I work for a large organisation and have alot of certifications to assign to many users and this is really holding me up now.
Help - Steph
Thanks Simon, I hadn't appreciated that historic F2F didn't affect/generate historic certifications. I think we probably need to fill in "set completions" to get certification due date to work properly (for us) and then upload historic certifications as well.
We'll install 2.5.3 and then see what's left to solve.