Best practice forum (Archived)

Programs content (courses) overview / report

Michael Kuys
Programs content (courses) overview / report
by Michael Kuys - Thursday, 11 July 2019, 7:24 AM

I'm wondering if there is any view or report source available that would list all programs with program content (i.e. actual courses). I'm on Totara 11.

The actual "manage programs" view eventually lists all courses but only after a lot of mouse clicks (selecting the category, then the program, then again quitting all and move on to the next category, etc.).

There are a number of report sources available but apparently not allowing a "simple" overview program > courses. 

If anyone knows a workaround to simply list the name of the programs and the enclosed courses, please let me know.

So basically something like the following (nothing fancy I think):

"program1", "course1", "course2", "course3" ; 

"program2", "course4", "course5" ; 

Craig Eves
Re: Programs content (courses) overview / report
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 11 July 2019, 6:22 PM
Group Totara

Hi Michael

If you use the Program Overview report source and use aggregation by user then this should show the programs and the courses it contains.


Michael Kuys
Re: Programs content (courses) overview / report
by Michael Kuys - Friday, 12 July 2019, 12:31 AM

Hi Craig

Thanks for your quick response. I tried your proposed solution and it looks like we're almost there.

Unfortunately, the overview in my example gets a bit overloaded as the contents of second column "course short name" is repeated for the number of (unique) users. 

I've enclosed a partial screenshot for my example. The program contains 3 courses, the first course MINE101 (as well as the other 2 ones not shown in the screenshot) get repeated 114 times as there are 114 unique user names.

I'm not quite sure if I made a mistake somewhere. In your example for P101 I assume there is 1 user * 3 courses = count of 3. But I cannot reproduce the record for P102 in your example. There is only 1 user count for 4 courses ... I would have expected a count of 4. 

The report definition is included in the same screenshot.

Any more ideas to avoid the repeating cells for the courses short names?

Kind regards


Lyn Bennett
Re: Programs content (courses) overview / report
by Lyn Bennett - Monday, 13 January 2020, 12:43 PM

Hi Craig,

The problem with that is the output lists all the content in one Excel cell for each Program so there is no easy way to filter on a specific course to see which program(s) it belongs to. Or do some other excel manipulations. Is there a report that identifies which program or programs each course is in?



Lyn Bennett
Re: Programs content (courses) overview / report
by Lyn Bennett - Monday, 13 January 2020, 12:39 PM

Am looking for the same thing....and hoping by replying to you, this will become visible agaln

Lyn Bennett
Re: Programs content (courses) overview / report
by Lyn Bennett - Monday, 13 January 2020, 12:43 PM

Found the reply :-)