Key terms
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Achievement pathIn Totara Perform, an achievement path is the way a user can make progress against a competency. Some competencies may allow multiple paths to achieving the same level on the competency. |
ActivityA learning item within a course such as a quiz, SCORM object, or forum which involves active participation from learners. |
AppraisalA type of performance activity in Totara Perform. |
AssetA piece of equipment or a service (such as IT Support) that can be linked to a seminar event session in Totara Learn. |
AudienceA group of users which may be created manually (a set audience) or added and updated automatically when users meet predefined criteria (a dynamic audience). An audience can be assigned access or visibility of specific content on your Totara site, such as courses, programs, and/or certifications as well as assigned to specific learning plans, competencies, performance activities or roles. |
Authenticated user |
mechanism by which a user is logged into the system. |
Availability status (performance activities)Indicates whether responses can be submitted and/or modified on a section or instance of a performance activity:
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BackupIn Totara Learn, a backup is a saved copy of all, or specific items within, a course which is created and stored within a compressed (zipped) file. |
BadgeA digital, verifiable recognition of learning and achievement that may be issued automatically based on predefined criteria. Badges are held in the platform but can also be shared outside (such as on a digital CV or badge ‘backpack’). |