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Question about trainer marking each student as completed (offline activities)

Wen Hao Chuang
Question about trainer marking each student as completed (offline activities)
بواسطة Friday, 10 October 2014, 2:22 PM - Wen Hao Chuang

Hi, thanks for reading this thread.

We have a scenario where the trainer need to manually check off eight "offline activities" before students can complete the course. However with Totara's "offline activity" "activity completion" feature, even after the trainer gave the participant a grade (in the gradebook), the participant still need to login and "checK" on the checkboxes of each "offline activity" in order to move on. That is, by assigning a passing grade in the gradebook for these "offline activities" will NOT automatically mark these offline activities as completed. What's even worse is that the "Activity completion" only have two choices:

1. Student must view this activity to complete it (does not fit with what we need)

2. Student must receive a grade to complete this activity

In this case we chose #2, but the problem is that even the trainer gave the student a "non-passing" grade, it will still count as "completed."

Is there a better and more streamlined way to implement this? Thanks!

? ?
Re: Question about trainer marking each student as completed (offline activities)
بواسطة Sunday, 12 October 2014, 5:25 AM - ? ?

Hi Wen. You likely have seen the Checklist activity, but in case you haven't you might take a look to see if it meets your requirements.


Wen Hao Chuang
Re: Question about trainer marking each student as completed (offline activities)
بواسطة Monday, 13 October 2014, 11:45 PM - Wen Hao Chuang

Hi Jamie,

Yes I thought about Checklist activity and it is very close to what we are trying to achieve, but I guess we are looking for something simpler (sort of between "checklist activity" and "activity completion" checkbox - but only trainers can check them off). Any other thoughts or comments? Thanks again!

? ?
Re: Question about trainer marking each student as completed (offline activities)
بواسطة Tuesday, 14 October 2014, 8:55 PM - ? ?

Hi Wen. What about the ability to grant users enrolled with specific roles in a course the ability to check of completion via RPL for activities in a course? I am thinking you have probably looked in to that, but thought I would mention it:


Steph Wild
Re: Question about trainer marking each student as completed (offline activities)
بواسطة Thursday, 16 October 2014, 2:03 AM - Steph Wild
مجموعة Learn Site Administrator


I've been looking at both these options for our 'Link Trainers' who deliver training within their local area and I just want them to have something quick and easy to mark a member of staff as competent. 

Both these options work however I can't find anyway of reporting on who marked the completion.  We'd need to attach this functionality to certifications as well so would need to report on this both before and after the window opens.

Any ideas - I could have missed something :-/


? ?
Re: Question about trainer marking each student as completed (offline activities)
بواسطة Thursday, 16 October 2014, 11:54 AM - ? ?

Hi Steph. I have had similar requests where reporting on who and the reason an activity was marked complete via RPL. As far as I know there is currently not a way to report on who marked the RPL.

? ?
Re: Question about trainer marking each student as completed (offline activities)
بواسطة Thursday, 16 October 2014, 12:55 PM - ? ?

That is correct Jamie, there aren't any report sources that currently show that information.

Steph Wild
Re: Question about trainer marking each student as completed (offline activities)
بواسطة Friday, 17 October 2014, 6:46 AM - Steph Wild
مجموعة Learn Site Administrator

Hi Lori,

Are there any plans to introduce any do you know. 

The inability to report on this means that we cannot use it and it would be a really quick and easy solution to a number of our current issues where competency/ability is measured locally via e.g. we want to structure some courses as follows -

Learner must undertake reading or eLearning > then must attend a practical face to face session > then still won't be deemed as competent until a manager/link trainer has observed them undertaking the procedure successfully in the 'live' environment.

The last task here would be the one we'd want to apply it to but can't without a record of who has judged them competent.


? ?
Re: Question about trainer marking each student as completed (offline activities)
بواسطة Friday, 17 October 2014, 9:02 AM - ? ?

Hi Steph,

I'm not aware of any enhancement requests of that nature. I suggest posting the request to the Feature Request forum:

You can see the list of proposed enhancements and their status in the Features and Enhancements section of the Subscriber page.

Hope that helps!

Wen Hao Chuang
Re: Question about trainer marking each student as completed (offline activities)
بواسطة Wednesday, 29 October 2014, 8:30 PM - Wen Hao Chuang

Actually, if I recall correctly, when you do RPL manually (not using csv upload), you can "comment" on each RPL and right there you can say who RPL'ed that student. Then you might be able to design a custom report (or use Moodle's 3rd party "ad-hoc database query" if you are familiar with Moodle's database tables) to pull out a report about which trainer marked which student as completed. Just my $0.02.


? ?
Re: Question about trainer marking each student as completed (offline activities)
بواسطة Monday, 24 November 2014, 6:19 PM - ? ?

Hi Jamie and Steph,

This feature / enhancement request has been added to our tracker under ID 12727.

A discussion thread has been created for 12727 here  Please use this thread if you wish to add anything further.

Note that this feature / enhancement request has been deemed high priority and is under consideration for development by Totara core.

This does not indicate a delivery commitment.  Development of the functionality is subject to further prioritization and resource availability.

? ?
Re: Question about trainer marking each student as completed (offline activities)
بواسطة Friday, 6 November 2015, 9:22 AM - ? ?

Improvement TL-5239 - Logging user and IP when marking RPL has been included in Totara 2.9.0 which was released on November 3, 2015.

This was previously tracked under Bugzilla 12727.