Totara Perform Open Discussions

Welcome to the Totara Perform open discussions forum. This area is for discussions on Totara Perform product features and best practices.

דיוןנפתח על ידיתגובותהודעה אחרונה
Printing content of Performance activities Daniel Bond Daniel Bond 2 Daniel Bond
25/11/2024, 00:24
Performance Instances creation time qustion. Jakub Gazda Jakub Gazda 5 Craig Eves (Totara Support)
18/11/2024, 14:22
Exploring User Instance Creation Features Patricia Campos Patricia Campos 6 Andrew Metcalfe
17/11/2024, 18:19
Duplicate instances created for the performance activity. Jakub Gazda Jakub Gazda 3 Craig Eves (Totara Support)
30/10/2024, 13:45
Creating progress-report for filtering audiences and courses Alexander Schrag Alexander Schrag 1 Craig Eves (Totara Support)
30/09/2024, 18:29
Notifications for external respondents Michael Burley Michael Burley 1 Craig Eves (Totara Support)
17/09/2024, 20:28
Activity Management link for Tenant Managers. Jakub Gazda Jakub Gazda 1 Craig Eves (Totara Support)
17/09/2024, 20:00
Suggestion: Totara goals history/log Annie Puga Annie Puga 1 Craig Eves (Totara Support)
15/09/2024, 19:39
Share your insights: Improving Performance activity alignment with Job assignments Kimseng Ng Kimseng Ng 2 Kimseng Ng
1/09/2024, 14:30
Changing review elements on a performance activity Ashley Mundy Ashley Mundy 1 Daniel Bond
3/07/2024, 01:11
Using certs to reset a competency Ashley Mundy Ashley Mundy 0 Ashley Mundy
24/06/2024, 19:57
Manager's Manager not included in the Participant Instances in Performance Activity Jakub Gazda Jakub Gazda 2 Jakub Gazda
23/05/2024, 23:10
Reports in the Perform Module Rachel Barber Rachel Barber 7 Craig Eves (Totara Support)
9/05/2024, 17:56
Role change global settings: We'd love your input! Kimseng Ng Kimseng Ng 4 Kimseng Ng
20/03/2024, 12:32
Is it possible to complete an appraisal form without submitting each section? Sebastian Farias Sebastian Farias 3 Andrew Metcalfe
18/03/2024, 17:53
Printing appraisals Sarah Vestakis Sarah Vestakis 3 Craig Eves (Totara Support)
25/02/2024, 18:22
Automatic closure of a Performance Activity Tom Grocott Tom Grocott 1 Craig Eves (Totara Support)
10/12/2023, 12:59
Auto-populating learning plans with courses when using TXP 16/17 with competencies Brendan Kilshaw Brendan Kilshaw 2 Brendan Kilshaw
26/09/2023, 02:42
Competencies Paul Roberts Paul Roberts 3 Ashley Mundy
6/08/2023, 14:32
Notifications for closed perform activity Kevin Donaghy Kevin Donaghy 2 Ashley Mundy
25/07/2023, 14:51
Reviewing responses to appraisal activities in later appraisals Nevin Butcher Nevin Butcher 6 Ann-Marie Pickles
10/07/2023, 17:43
Setting competencies for appraisals as an administrator Shane Reeves Shane Reeves 1 Phil Williscroft
30/06/2023, 13:39
Improving Goals: We'd love your input! Ashley Mundy Ashley Mundy 2 Ashley Mundy
1/06/2023, 14:22
T14 PERFORM active links/variables Andrew Metcalfe Andrew Metcalfe 4 Ashley Mundy
22/05/2023, 21:22
Response visibility Tena Mikša Tena Mikša 9 Phil Williscroft
17/02/2023, 12:02
Subcompetencies Stephanie Dujardin Stephanie Dujardin 3 Phil Williscroft
25/01/2023, 14:47
Using Competencies as a Manager Paul Ferguson Paul Ferguson 1 Phil Williscroft
24/11/2022, 11:35
Hide button 'self assign competencies' Stephanie Dujardin Stephanie Dujardin 1 Craig Eves (Totara Support)
13/11/2022, 14:08
User reports for Perform Paul Roberts Paul Roberts 9 Jennifer Poole
13/11/2022, 13:07
Identifying mandatory and optional courses within Totara Paul Tottle Paul Tottle 0 Paul Tottle
9/11/2022, 16:10
Competency reports Jonas Faxerin Barkman Jonas Faxerin Barkman 5 Paul Ferguson
9/11/2022, 06:51
Related Courses Competencies Paul Ferguson Paul Ferguson 2 Paul Ferguson
9/11/2022, 06:50
Linking Performance Activities - Competencies and Program Laurent Virgos Laurent Virgos 2 Andrew Metcalfe
6/11/2022, 19:13
Perform - Response Redisplay Peter Rondel Peter Rondel 0 Peter Rondel
2/08/2022, 05:24
How does the system react with changes in managers? Richard Rudman Richard Rudman 31 Phil Williscroft
5/07/2022, 19:44
Any NHS users of Perform? Jeet Padaruth Jeet Padaruth 5 Phil Williscroft
16/06/2022, 14:22
'bulk' close/deactivate Performance Activities harry woodward-clarke harry woodward-clarke 2 harry woodward-clarke
29/05/2022, 22:42
Performance activities Rebecca Hunter Rebecca Hunter 4 Phil Williscroft
17/05/2022, 22:56
Performance Activity - Reporting on Subject User's Organisation Duncan Eeles Duncan Eeles 10 Craig Eves (Totara Support)
17/05/2022, 14:27
Appraisals when manager & employees = members of 2 tenants Christian Greiner Christian Greiner 5 Phil Williscroft
15/05/2022, 14:30
Notification that participant instance has been submitted. Nevin Butcher Nevin Butcher 4 Nevin Butcher
12/05/2022, 21:10
Frequency Trigger of 0 days (i.e. immediate creation on new template on completion of existing one) Daniel Bond Daniel Bond 7 Phil Williscroft
25/04/2022, 14:59
T14 PERFORM activities displaying error on submission when certain notifications are enabled Andrew Metcalfe Andrew Metcalfe 7 Nevin Butcher
19/04/2022, 21:55
Objectives Rebecca Hunter Rebecca Hunter 3 Phil Williscroft
17/03/2022, 14:12
Perform Activities Sitemanager & Tenant manager Christian Greiner Christian Greiner 1 Craig Eves (Totara Support)
21/02/2022, 17:30
Repeating objectives/actions Rebecca Hunter Rebecca Hunter 3 Phil Williscroft
15/02/2022, 13:00
User Profile Info in Appraisals Alistair Marshall Alistair Marshall 3 Phil Williscroft
1/02/2022, 12:30
Partner Validation - Assign participant instances to my Direct Reports Phil Williscroft Phil Williscroft 2 Phil Williscroft
23/12/2021, 12:56
Assign course completion to competencies - rolesystem Peter Stollberg Peter Stollberg 1 Craig Eves (Totara Support)
6/12/2021, 19:26
Development framework santi lm santi lm 5 Phil Williscroft
9/08/2021, 22:02
Competency manual rating Jill Scott Jill Scott 7 Jill Scott
30/06/2021, 05:02
v15 review questions / legacy appraisals Duncan Eeles Duncan Eeles 2 Duncan Eeles
23/06/2021, 05:27
Manager view of performance activities Rebecca Hunter Rebecca Hunter 2 Rebecca Hunter
14/05/2021, 04:51
Linking learning to the performance activities Rebecca Hunter Rebecca Hunter 1 Phil Williscroft
2/05/2021, 14:28
Totara database table relationship for course completion and competency achievement hasfirul iqbal hasfirul iqbal 1 Phil Williscroft
21/02/2021, 12:23
Goals Alistair Marshall Alistair Marshall 16 Alistair Marshall
15/02/2021, 00:48
Performance Review Deborah Jackson Deborah Jackson 2 Deborah Jackson
15/01/2021, 09:20
Preview appraisal Nikki Malone Nikki Malone 5 Phil Williscroft
10/11/2020, 13:28
Manager-Lead Workflow Help Alex Carrick Alex Carrick 1 Phil Williscroft
26/10/2020, 14:17
Competencies and activities? James Landrigan James Landrigan 2 James Landrigan
18/10/2020, 15:59
Introducing to Totara Perform webinar - recording link and Q&A Meredith Henson Meredith Henson 0 Meredith Henson
12/10/2020, 06:26